Hello, and Welcome to The Spiritual Healing Playground
Like a playground, Onyx Bliss has multiple toys to help you unlock your soul so that YOU can thrive! We help you HEAL yourself!

Distance Reiki Healing
Powerful Reiki Healing energy is sent to you virtually. We will start with a phone call to prepare you to receive the healing that will be sent. After the reiki session I will call you back to debrief and give you any messages from your guides that came through during the healing.
Past Life Regression
This is a powerful Past Life Regression (PLR) in a group or about 6 – 8 people. We will enter a meditative state as a group, which may enable you to receive past life messages from your guides. There is an optional group debrief at the conclusion of the PLR session. Headphones are required.

Psychic Reading
This is a 15, 30, or 60 minute reading that explores what you need to know at this point in time. There may be appearances by passed on loved ones. The reading provides messages for your highest and best good. We will meet via Zoom to discuss all messages.
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Hi there, I’m Kasana

and I am the creator/owner of Onyx Bliss. I had a spiritual awakening that completely turned my life upside down in my early adult years. Even though this happened, I did not immediately listen to spirit. I ended up having several more awakenings before becoming who you see today.
This at times was extremely painful, and also deliriously joyful! Throughout this process, I finally acknowledged and accepted my intuitive abilities. I am clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient and love to share what spirit is communicating. I am also an attuned Usui Reiki Master, a certified Past Life Regressionist, and an Access Bars Practitioner. My purpose is to assist you in unlocking your soul so that you can heal yourself to thrive at life!
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